14 Nov 2011

A little bit of grunge . . .

I was down on the beach the other day and for some reason nobody had collected these umbrellas . . . .  Over here when the season finishes at the end of October, there aren't any more tourist flights until the middle of April so . . . . all of the people who have the beach concessions stow away their equipment until the following year. Maybe the person who owns these had decided to keep them for personal use while the weather was still good.
I saw them because there's a lovely cafe, right on the beach, where hubby and I had enjoyed a leisurely capuccino.

I've been trying out lots of different effects with the RadLab software I've got on trial  and using different textures so here's my "little bit of grunge" . . .

                                                                                                                    (textures by Kim Klassen)

It's still raining here :-( but tomorrow should see a change.
Happy Monday,
Love Teresa xx :-)

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